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British Columbia

$600,000 house price gap defines the coast

Easy to find detached family houses for under $325,000.

Massive retail project takes shape in Delta

Tsawwassen Mills : 32-acre retail complex about one-third complete. By Frank O’Brien A tour of the Tsawwassen Mills construction site in South Delta underscores one aspect of the project: it is huge.

Spec developers go all in on industrial

If Metro Vancouver real estate were a poker game, industrial developers would be the high-stakes, hard-eyed players at the table. By Frank O'Brien This year, speculators have anted up 1.

Housing bubble “lead indicator” of recession

Nobel laureate and economist Vernon Smith speaks in Vancouver. A sudden drop in housing starts seen as the first indicator of a recession.

Analysts torpedo Vancouver housing myths

Metro Vancouver housing is affordable. The market is stable. There is no glut of new condominiums looming. And foreign investors are not driving sales and prices higher.

Onni takes over failed Colwood Corners project in Saanich

Colwood Corner was halted in the spring of 2013 due to insufficient funds. Photo: Darren Stone, Times Colonist. Under a deal approved by B. C.

Vancouver's new condo towers survive on Asian buyers

By Frank O'Brien Metro Vancouver's startling multi-family land prices are creating a “disconnect” in a high-rise condominium market that increasingly must rely on immigrant buyers to survive, according to a noted real estate consultant.

Top 10 towns in the West for real estate investors

Aberdeen Centre in Richmond, B.C.

Dark side to Vancouver's "stunning" low property taxes

Vancouver has the second-lowest commercial property tax rate and the lowest residential property tax rate in Canada, based on a study of 10 major cities by the Real Property Association of Canada (REALpac), but what appears a good news story has a da

Residential leads all B.C. construction – even in “booming” north

More money is being spent on building homes in British Columbia than on all industrial, commercial and government projects combined and the trend is seen even in areas touted as the province’s resource boomtowns.