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British Columbia

Watch out for landlords with 13-inch rulers

Some commercial real estate tenants are paying for “phantom” space that does not exist, according to lease consultant Dale Willerton, who warns that mistaken measurements can add up to huge costs.

Even old Vancouver rental apartments sell for $400 “per door”

Landlords are paying record prices in a “relentless pursuit” of cash-flowing apartment buildings across Metro Vancouver, according to multi-family specialist Dave Goodman of HQ Commercial.

Immigrant investors: this new wave is different

By Jen St. Denis Oil and gas. Hotels and resorts. Malls, retirement homes and condos. Farmland and aquaculture.

Canadian REITs find bargains in U.S. rentals

This 352-unit luxury Texas rental complex bought by a Vancouver-based REIT for $124,000 per suite. Lured by the tightest U.S.

Whistler hotel-condo battle exposes price collapse

A battle between the manager and owners of a Whistler hotel-complex which has landed in B.C.

Do the math: Vancouver house will reach $7 million

The average detached house price on the West Side of Vancouver will reach more than $7 million within ten years, suggests Altus Group, one of Canada’s premier appraisal and valuation firms.

Mancamps frustrate Northern landlords

Powell River truck driver Sean Russell wouldn’t even have considered the northern B.C. gas fields if it weren’t for the well-equipped 400-bed Encana workcamp where he ended up working 21-day-straight shifts for more than a year.

Wyndansea sails back onto the market

Priced five years ago at $37 million after plans for a $650 million golf resort collapsed into bankruptcy, the Wyndansea property on Vancouver Island is back on the market – for less than $8 million.

Vancouver industrial prices flirt with condo-style highs

Industrial real estate prices in parts of Metro Vancouver are flirting with levels in the residential condominium market, with some industrial space selling for $500 per square foot, according to commercial real estate agents.

Mortgage change exposes Metro Vancouver's house price chasm

A rule change from the federal government’s mortgage insurer has revealed the price chasm that exists in B.C.’s Lower Mainland housing market.