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British Columbia

Vancouver hotel "key price" highest in Canada. Ever.

Average Vancouver hotel sells for $230,000 per room based on nation-leading 77 per cent occupancy rate

Legal pot could spark old industrial space

Denver experience gives indication of potential demand: 1,700 producers leased "functionally obsolete industrial space"

B.C. immigration crashes to 15 year-lows

Net number of immigrants down 66% in the first half of this year By Frank O’Brien As a panel discussion on foreign home ownership prepares to convene this week in Vancouver, latest statistics show that international immigration to B.C.

Old apartment sales trump fancy office buildings

Aging rentals a third of total B.C.

Slowdown threatens “third wave” of office towers

No tenants in place: Three new downtown office projects (from top) the East Tower, Burrard Place and the Ormidale Block – are underway with no preleasing.

Greed for yield fuels “explosive” rental market

Sixty-one year old apartment building in Vancouver’s Fairview area recently sold for $3.6 million, or $360,000 per suite.

Ghost town back on the market

Bradian: buyers want to sell town for $1.2 million By Wendy Fraser Seven months after a group of Chinese investors purchased it, the for sale sign has gone up again on the Bridge River Valley ghost town of Bradian.

Industrial land shortage threatens Metro economy

Entire inventory could be gone within four years Frank O’Brien Four years after Metro Vancouver report warned that the region would run out of industrial land by 2020, that timeline appears to have been pushed forward.

Policies geld a bull market

Rendering of BC Hydro’s first 1,600-person high-end work camp planned for the Site C construction site near Fort St. John.

Metro Vancouver: dirt worth more than income

Avison Young principal Bal Atwal: land values have outpaced property and income values. - Rob Kruyt.