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British Columbia

Speculation tax doomed, hurts B.C. reputation: panel

Speculation tax doomed, hurts B.C. reputation: panel

Politicians from left and right at Victoria event say new tax is helping destroy province's reputation as a place to do business
Doubt cast on forecast of cottage price drop

Doubt cast on forecast of cottage price drop

National report claiming major price reductions of B.C.’s recreational homes challenged by local realtors and sales statistics
Metro land squeeze pressures developers and investors

Metro land squeeze pressures developers and investors

As more than 3,700 people move in every month, Metro Vancouver faces a historic land use challenge, the Vancouver Real Estate Forum told
Virtually adding real value to commercial real estate

Virtually adding real value to commercial real estate

Virtual reality allows fine-tuning of a project from the construction site to the finishing details – and the marketing
Dip in commercial real estate activity expected: BCREA

Dip in commercial real estate activity expected: BCREA

But overall trend remains positive, according to the association’s lead indicators
Foreign-investor impact unknown, admits CMHC

Foreign-investor impact unknown, admits CMHC

"Anyone ... claiming it is a big deal or not a big deal, is stating an opinion [because] we do not currently have the data to answer that question," analyst says
Speculation tax reducing price of B.C.’s recreational homes: survey

Speculation tax reducing price of B.C.’s recreational homes: survey

B.C. one of only three regions expecting price declines, finds nationwide survey of recreation specialist realtors
Vancouver council pushes controversial Chinatown ‘downzoning’ to public hearing

Vancouver council pushes controversial Chinatown ‘downzoning’ to public hearing

City votes for public feedback on reducing density in historic neighbourhood
Greater Vancouver residential sales see 35% slump from last year

Greater Vancouver residential sales see 35% slump from last year

Despite slowdown, benchmark prices have not fallen – yet
B.C. resale prices predicted to keep climbing – at a slower rate

B.C. resale prices predicted to keep climbing – at a slower rate

Residential sales set to slow further this year but recover next year, with no drop in average prices, forecasts BCREA