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B.C. residents moving to Alberta at quick clip

Recent Statistics Canada studies show that B.C. is losing people at a fast pace, and nearly all of them are heading for Alberta. Since the second quarter of 2011, 12,430 more people moved from B.C. to Alberta.
Recent Statistics Canada studies show that B.C. is losing people at a fast pace, and nearly all of them are heading for Alberta.
Since the second quarter of 2011, 12,430 more people moved from B.C. to Alberta. In the last quarter of 2012, the most recent numbers available, B.C.’s net outflow to Alberta was 2,644 people. While jobs and higher pay are a big draw, housing prices likely also play a role. Huffington Post blogger Melissa Carr has been running a series comparing “absurd” Vancouver house prices with other cities in Canada, looking at what $1 million or $2 million will buy. Her recent report comparing Vancouver to Calgary and Edmonton shows that a loonie goes a lot further just east of the Rockies. Check it out at